Shattered Paradise: January 2014 Additional Conversation

January 2014 Ileana Araguti author of Shattered Paradise published by New Trends Press

January 2014 Ileana Araguti author of Shattered Paradise published by New Trends Press

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About the Book

Shattered Paradise, Memoirs of a Nicaraguan War Child

Shattered Paradise, Memoirs of a Nicaraguan War Child

Shattered Paradise: Memoirs of a Nicaraguan War Child

New Trends Press

New Trends Press

By Ileana Araguti
Published by New Trends Press
ISBN-13: 978-0988402539

Shattered Paradise is a lyrical, stunning and poignant memoir of survival and quick adaption–as Ileana, alongside with her rooted Roman Catholic mother, manage to break free from a war infected life in Nicaragua, bullying school masters, and a womanizing father whose obsession with women and inner strength manage to carve an unexpected destiny for the two.

About the Author

Ileana Araguti<br />Photo Credit: Joseph Gutiz

Ileana Araguti
Photo Credit: Joseph Gutiz

Ileana Araguti

Should you meet Ileana Araguti today, you cannot tell of any troubled past, either from her childhood or as an immigrant. She camouflages her past well with joyous laughter. She loves living life to the fullest. Her writings are intended for inspiration and awareness.

Araguti is a graduate from the University of California, Riverside. She earned two Masters’ Degrees in the fields of Arts and Education. She is currently an educator, a writer, wife, and a mother of a son and a daughter. She enjoys traveling with her family and resides in Southern California. Some of her work has been published in Spain.

She returned to visit her native country of Nicaragua twenty-one years later after her exile. Upon her return, she rediscovered a totally different country from the one she left behind. It was then that Shattered Paradise was written, with the hope of bringing awareness about the devastating effects of war, particularly in children, and ultimately about her beloved and vanishing rain and cloud forests.