Cuba in Splinters | Of Angels, Demons & Chopped Chorizo: August 2014 Additional Conversation

August 2014: Orlando Luis Pardo Laza, editor of Cuba in Splinters: Eleven Stories from the New Cuba

August 2014: Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo,
editor of Cuba in Splinters: Eleven Stories from the New Cuba

Orlando Luiz Pardo Lazo: Read More Outside Links: Book AuthorPublisher


August 2014: Michael Pacheco,
author of Of Angels, Demons and Chopped Chorizo

Michael M. Pacheco: Read More Outside Links: Book AuthorPublisher

About the Book:

Cuba in Splinters

Cuba in Splinters: Eleven Stories from the New Cuba

Edited by Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo
Published by OR Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-939293-48-0

Think Cuba, you’re likely to think bearded revolutionaries in fatigues. Salsa. Sugar cane.

Rock ‘n’ roll, zombies, drugs – anomie and angst – do not generally figure in our mental images of a country that’s assumed an outsized place in the American imagination. But fresh from the tropics, in Cuba in Splinters – a sparkling package of stories we’re assured are fictional – that’s exactly what you’ll find. Eleven writers largely unknown outside Cuba depict a world that veers from a hyperreal Havana in decay, against a backdrop of oblivious drug-toting German tourists, to a fantasy land – or is it? – where vigilant Cubans bar the door to zombies masquerading as health inspectors. Sex and knife-fights, stutterers and addicts, losers and lost literary classics: welcome to a raw and genuine island universe closed to casual visitors.

The collection includes stories by four Latina writers: Jhortensia Espineta, Lien Carrazana Lau, Polina Martínez Shviétsova, and Lia Villares.

About the Editor:

Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Orlando-Luis-Pardo-LazoOrlando Luis Pardo Lazo, webmaster of the blogs Lunes de post-Revolución and the photoblog Boring Home Utopics, at one point worked as a molecular biologist in the Cuban Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. A resident of Havana, he is now living temporarily in the United States, where he gives university lectures about social activism and Cuban civic society using new media.

About the Book:

Of Angels, Demons and Chopped Chorizo

Of Angels, Demons and Chopped Chorizo

Edited by Michael Pacheco
Published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN-13: 978-1494747237

Award-winning author Michael M. Pacheco brings his mastery of the thriller and fantasy genres as well as his wit and heart to this collection of the must-reads in Latino folklore and stories of magic.

This outstanding collection of 17 brilliant short stories, each just six or fewer pages in length, provides the chance to absorb an entire story (or two or three) in just one sitting.

Of Angels, Demons and Chopped Chorizo includes four never-before released short stories. Exploring a variety of topics from life and death, love and loss, struggling with being a savant and dealing with ghosts, this collection contains fascinating tales, each one different from the last. These stories are bound to bring a smile to your face, a tear to your eye. There is something here for everyone to enjoy.

About the Author:

Michael M. Pacheco

Michael PachecoBorn in the Chihuahuan desert of northern Mexico, Michael’s parents promptly packed him up like precious cargo along with his siblings and moved to El Norte. He remained and established roots in the Pacific Northwest, receiving his BA from Gonzaga University and his JD from Willamette University.

In 1977, Michael did a brief stint with the U.S. Marine Corps. Later, as an attorney, he has served as a prosecutor, parole board member, and assistant attorney general for the State of Oregon. He now earns a living working as a legal assistant in a small law firm and as an author of fiction.

Michael’s debut novel, The Guadalupe Saints, was released on April 28, 2011 and his novella, Seeking Tierra Santa, Summer Terror in Texas, was released later that same year. He has also been published in over twenty literary journals and in January 2014, he was short-listed for the JF Powers Prize for Short Fiction. Michael is currently polishing his fourth novel for publication. He has also been published in seven different legal periodicals.

Michael and his wife, Stacey, are empty-nesters living in Salem, Oregon.