16th Annual International Latino Book Awards: Winners

International Latino Book Award Winners 2014The International Latino Book Awards occurred on June 28th in Las Vegas as part of the American Library Association 2014 Conference. The Awards were held at the Clark County-Las Vegas Library Theater. Over the last 16 years the International Latino Book Awards has grown to become the largest Latino literary and cultural awards in the USA.

Amongst this year’s 231 honorees were well known authors like Alma Flor Ada, Isabel Allende, Rudy Anaya, Mary J. Andrade, Edna Iturralde, all of whom are past ILBA Award Winners. Other honorees include Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and celebrities like TV chef Pati Jinich, the late singer and actress Jenni Rivera, singer Linda Ronstadt, screenwriter Rick Najera, and TV personality Lilliana Vasquez. Winners were from across the USA and from 18 countries outside the USA.

Amazingly, sales of books by past ILBA winning authors have totaled more than 200 million copies! Winners have included many of the best-known Latino authors including Belinda Acosta, Roldofo Acuña, Ron Arias, José Antonio Buciaga, Denise Chavéz, Paulo Coelho, Dr. Camilo Cruz, Gabriel García Márquez, Reyna Grande, Oscar Hijuelos, Mario Vargas Llosa, Josefina López, Pablo Neruda, Ana Nogales, Jose-Luis Orozco, Luis Rodriguez, Alisa Valdes, and Victor Villaseñor. Winners have also included well-known figures from other professions including Entertainers like Celia Cruz, Gloria Estefan, and Cheech Marin; Sports notables Oscar de la Hoya and Jorge Posada; Media figures like Martín Llorens, Jorge Ramos, Teresa Rodriguez, and Ray Suarez; Politicians like Henry Cisneros; and Chefs like Paulina Abascal, Jose Garces, and Daisy Martinez.

The evening also unveiled the first formal Award Winning Author Pinning Ceremony, the new honorary title of AWA, and a salute to Latino books that are worthy of being made into movies or TV series. After holding the International Latino Book Awards in conjunction with Bookexpo for fifteen years the Awards are moving this year. Latino Literacy Now has moved the Awards to coincide with the American Library Association’s Annual Conference because librarians realize that books for and about Latinos are what their readers are looking for. Latinos nationwide are twice as likely to use libraries as non-Latinos.

2014 is an amazing year for books for Latinos – and the market’s rapid growth is merely one reflection of how solid the market is. Latinos in the USA will purchase over $500 million in books in both English and Spanish. The number of books by and about Latinos has risen substantially. The bottom line is that books targeting Latinos are a growing segment because of the rapid growth of the market and the current gaps in relevant topics being presented.

The 2014 International Latino Book Awards are another reflection of the growing quality of books by and about Latinos. This year’s number of entries was 41% more than the previous record year. In order to handle this large number of books, the Awards had 123 judges, nearly double the number from 2013. The judges glowed about the quality of the entries. The Award sponsors included Libros Publishing as a Gold Sponsor, Scholastic Books as a Silver Sponsor, and Vaso Roto Ediciones.

In recognition of the quality and variety of books now available, Latino Literacy Now, the organization that oversees the Awards, is carrying out the 2014 Award Winning Author Tour. Displays of the Finalists books and Award Winning Authors will be presented at events like American Library Association Convention; CABE, the largest Latino teacher conference in the USA; the Chicago Latino Book & Family Festival; the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books; LULAC Nat’l Convention; the National Council of La Raza Annual Conference; the San Bernardino Latino Book & Family Festival; and other key events.

Latino Literacy Now, the producer of the ILBAs, is a nonprofit co-founded by Edward James Olmos and Kirk Whisler that has also produced 54 Latino Book & Family Festivals around the USA attended by a combined nearly 900,000 people, and the Latino Books into Movies Awards. Award partners include Las Comadres de las Americas and REFORMA, the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and is an affiliate of the American Library Association. More about the Awards can be found at www.LBFF.us and the 2015 entry form is now available.

For more information, please contact Kirk Whisler, Latino Print Network, 760-434-1223, kirk@whisler.com

The following are the winning books; their authors, illustrators & translators; the publisher; and the country of origin of the author:


Best Latino Focused Children’s Picture Book – English

  • FIRST PLACE Green Is a Chile Pepper, Roseanne Greenfield Thong, illustrations by John Parra; Chronicle Books; USA
  • SECOND PLACE Round Is a Tortilla, Roseanne Greenfield Thong, illustrations by John Parra; Chronicle Books; USA

Best Latino Focused Children’s Picture Book – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE Los Mariachis, Rita Rosa Ruesga; Illustrator: Euliser Polanco; Scholastic Books; Cuba
  • FIRST PLACE Olinguito Speaks Up, Cecilia Velástegui, M.S.Ed.; Libros Publishing; Ecuador
  • SECOND PLACE An Honest Boy, Magdalena Zenaida; Laredo Publishing Company; USA

Best Children’s Fiction Picture Book – English

  • FIRST PLACE The Audacious Little Princesses, Janet Breceda Wright, A. E. Wright, & Nataly Wright; Angeleno Avenue Publishing; México
  • SECOND PLACE The Box of Holes, Carmen Gil; Illustrator: Mónica Carretero; Cuento de Luz; Spain
  • SECOND PLACE Ivan’s Fear, Ariel Andrés Almada; Illustrator: Cha Coco; Cuento de Luz; Argentina & China
  • HONORABLE MENTION Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote: A Migrant’s Tale, Duncan Tonatiuh; Abrams Books For Young Readers; México

Best Children’s Fiction Picture Book – Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE Marisol McDonald and the Clash Bash, Monica Brown; Children’s Book Press; USA & Peruvian-Scottish
  • SECOND PLACE Arturo and the Navidad Birds, Anne Broyles; Illustrator: K. E. Lewis; Pelican Publishing Company; USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION Tamalitos, Jorge Argueta; Groundwood Books; El Salvador
  • HONORABLE MENTION Señor Pancho Had a Rancho, René Colato Laínez; Holiday House, Inc.; El Salvador

Best Children’s Fiction Picture Book – Spanish

  • FIRST PLACE El Silbido de Juan, Lili Ferreirós; Cuento de Luz; Argentina & Germany
  • SECOND PLACE Hoky, El Lobo Solidario, César Blanco; Illustrator: Blanca BK; Cuento de Luz; Spain
  • HONORABLE MENTION Las Cosas del Aire, Carmen Gil; Illustrator: Turcios; Cuento de Luz; Spain & Colombia
  • HONORABLE MENTION El Gran Libro Sobre Roma, Pau Joan Hernándex; Illustrator: Jordi Vila Delcios; Combel Editorial; Spain
  • HONORABLE MENTION Mi Abuelo el Luchador, Antonio Ramos Revillas; Illustrator: Rosana Mesa Zamudio; Ediciones El Naranjo; México

Best Children’s Nonfiction Picture Book

  • FIRST PLACE It’s Our Garden: From Seeds to Harvest in a School Garden, George Ancona; Candlewick Press; México
  • SECOND PLACE An Honest Boy, Magdalena Zenaida; Laredo Publishing Company; USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION The Dog That Became a Lion, Arturo Toledo; Grant and Sophia Viklund; USA / Mexican-American

Best Educational Children’s Picture Book – English

  • FIRST PLACE Round Is a Tortilla, Roseanne Greenfield Thong, illustrations by John Parra; Chronicle Books; USA
  • SECOND PLACE Green Is a Chile Pepper, Roseanne Greenfield Thong, illustrations by John Parra; Chronicle Books; USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION Dorothy: A Different Kind of Friend, Roberto Aliaga & Mar Blanco; Cuento de Luz; Spain

Best Educational Children’s Picture Book – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE ¡Hola! ¡Gracias! ¡Adiós!, Elisenda Roca; Editorial Bambu; Spain
  • SECOND PLACE Olinguito Speaks Up, Cecilia Velástegui, M.S.Ed.; Libros Publishing; Ecuador
  • SECOND PLACE Good Night Captain Mama, Graciela Tiscareño-Sato; Gracefully Global Group LLC; México & USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION Conferencia de los Pájaros, Santiago Gamboa & Lisa Neisa; Click; Colombia

Most Inspirational Children’s Picture Book – English

  • FIRST PLACE Walking Eagle: The Little Comanche Boy, Ana Eulate; Illustrator: Nivola Uya; Cuento de Luz; Spain

Most Inspirational Children’s Picture Book – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE Pink Fire Trucks, Gladys Elizabeth Barbieri ; Big Tent Books; Salvadorian/Nicaraguan-Born in USA
  • SECOND PLACE La Gallina Cocorina, Mar Pavon; Illustrator: isa cMónica Carretero; Cuento de Luz; Spain
  • SECOND PLACE Daddy, My Favorite Guy, Icy Smith & Crystal Smith; East West Discovery Press;
  • HONORABLE MENTION ¡Te lo Regalo!, Gabriela Keselman; Illustrator: Nora Hilb; Cuento de Luz; Argentina
  • HONORABLE MENTION Conferencia de los Pájaros, Santiago Gamboa & Lisa Neisa; Click; Colombia

Best Youth Latino Focused Chapter Book

  • FIRST PLACE The Little King: An Aztec Tale, Victoria López; Victoria López; México/Aztec Ancestry
  • FIRST PLACE Yes! We Are Latinos, Alma Flor Ada & F. Isabel Campoy; Charlesbridge; Alma: Born in Cuba; Isabel: Born in Spain
  • SECOND PLACE Neglected By Two Countries: Young Voices of the American Dream, Marie Elena Cortés; WPR Books; USA

Best Youth Chapter Fiction Book – English

  • FIRST PLACE Gaby, Lost And Found, Angela Cervantes; Scholastic Books; México
  • SECOND PLACE Ask My Mood Ring How I Feel, Diana López; Little, Brown and Company: Books for Young Readers; USA / México
  • HONORABLE MENTION Mountain Dog, Margarita Engle; Macmillan Publishers; Cuban-American

Best Youth Chapter Fiction Book – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE The Missing Chancleta & Other Top-Secret Cases, Alidis Vicente; Piñata Books; Puerto Rico (USA)
  • SECOND PLACE Diente de León, María Baranda; Ediciones El Naranjo; México
  • HONORABLE MENTION El Reyecito: Un Cuento Azteca, Victoria López; Victoria López; México / Aztec Ancestry

Best Youth Chapter Nonfiction Book

  • FIRST PLACE Su Nombre Significa Promesa, Adriana Noemí Torres Arreguín; Grupo Editorial Endira México; Mexico

Most Inspirational Youth Chapter Book

  • FIRST PLACE The Adventures of Chubby Cheeks: The Pro Quest, Joseph Gutiz; New Trends Press; México
  • SECOND PLACE Neglected By Two Countries: Young Voices of the American Dream, Marie Elena Cortés; WPR Books; USA

Best Young Adult Latino Focused Book – English

  • FIRST PLACE Salvation, Anne Osterlund; Penguin Group; USA
  • SECOND PLACE Clay Hills and Mud Pies, Annie Mary Pérez; Floricanto Press; USA
  • SECOND PLACE Insurgency: 1968 Aztec Walkout, Victor González; Angeleno Avenue Publishing; México
  • SECOND PLACE Stars of the Savanna, Melanie R. Martel; WPR Books; Mexican-American

Best Young Adult Latino Focused Book – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE Los Pájaros No Tienen Fronteras, Edna Iturralde; Alfaguara Grupo Santillana Ecuador; Ecuador
  • SECOND PLACE Noldo and his Magical Scooter at the Battle of The Alamo, Armando B. Rendón; Floricanto Press; USA

Best Young Adult Fiction Book – English

  • FIRST PLACE Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass, Meg Medina; Candlewick Press; Cuba
  • SECOND PLACE The Girl Who Could Silence the Wind, Meg Medina; Candlewick Press; Cuba
  • HONORABLE MENTION The Lightning Dreamer, Margarita Engle; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; Cuban-American
  • HONORABLE MENTION A Girl Named Nina, Norma Tamayo; Aperture Press; Puerto Rican descent-Born in NYC
  • HONORABLE MENTION Santa Muerte, Cynthia Pelayo; Post Mortem Press; Puerto Rico

Best Young Adult Fiction Book – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE La Guarida de las Lechuzas, Antonio Ramos Revillas; Ediciones El Naranjo; México
  • SECOND PLACE 13 Perros, Fernando Lalana; Editorial Bambu; Spain

Best Young Adult Nonfiction Book

  • FIRST PLACE También Fueron Jóvenes, Jordi Sierra i Fabra; Editorial Bambu; Spain
  • SECOND PLACE Fiestas del Agua: Sones y Leyendas de Tixtla, Caterina Camastra & Héctor Vega Deloya; Ediciones El Naranjo; Italy / México

Best Educational Young Adult Book

  • FIRST PLACE The Lady of the Turquoise Pendant, Lilibeth Andre; Lilibeth Andre Art & Design; México
  • SECOND PLACE Stars of the Savanna, Melanie R. Martel; WPR Books; Mexican-American
  • HONORABLE MENTION I,Legal in the U.S.A., Alejandra Campos; Skye’s The Limit Publishing & Public Relations; El Salvador

Most Inspirational Young Adult Book

  • FIRST PLACE Salvation, Anne Osterlund; Penguin Group; USA
  • SECOND PLACE The Wild Book, Margarita Engle; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; Cuban-American
  • HONORABLE MENTION Stars of the Savanna, Melanie R. Martel; WPR Books; Mexican-American

Best Book Written by a Youth

  • FIRST PLACE Bully in the Mirror, Shanaya Fastje; Changing Lives Press; USA
  • SECOND PLACE Cool Kids Cook: Louisiana, Kid Chef Eliana; Pelican Publishing Company; Cuba & Honduras

Best Book Written by a Youth

  • FIRST PLACE Serendipity: Poems About Love in High School, Alina Gonzalez; WPR Books; USA
  • SECOND PLACE Pasaporte de Vida, Analí Camz; Grupo Editorial Endira México; Mexico


Best Latino Focused Nonfiction Book – English

  • FIRST PLACE And Hell Followed With Her: Crossing the Dark Side of the American Border, David Neiwert; Nation Books; American
  • SECOND PLACE Ricardo Valverde, Ramón García; UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center; USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION Pepón Osorio, Jennifer A. González; UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center; USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION The Power of Latino Leadership, Juana Bordas; Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.; Nicaragua
  • HONORABLE MENTION Bird of Paradise, Raquel Cepeda; Atria Books; México

Best Latino Focused Nonfiction Book – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE Our Lost Border: Essays on Life Amid the Narco-Violence, Sergio Troncoso; Arte Publico Press; USA & México
  • HONORABLE MENTION Newyorkinos, Jacqueline Donado; Book Press NY; Colombia

Most Inspirational Nonfiction Book – English

  • FIRST PLACE Almost White: Forced Confessions of a Latino in Hollywood, Rick Najera; Smiley Books; Hay House Books; USA
  • SECOND PLACE Building Bridges of Understanding – My Personal Quest for Unity and Peace, Lucía De García; Xlibris; Colombia, South America
  • SECOND PLACE Clay Hills and Mud Pies, Annie Mary Pérez; Floricanto Press; USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION Shattered Paradise: Memoirs of A Nicaraguan War Child, Ileana Araguti; New Trends Press; Nicaragua

Most Inspirational Nonfiction Book – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE El Poder de Escuchar: La Guía Esencial en Tu Camino al Éxito, Ismael Cala; Penguin Group; Cuba
  • SECOND PLACE El Poder del Perdón, T.D. Jakes; Atria Books; México

Best Biography – English

  • FIRST PLACE My Beloved World, Supreme Court Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor; Random House, Vintage Books; New York/ Puerto Rican descent
  • SECOND PLACE Almost White: Forced Confessions of a Latino in Hollywood, Rick Najera; Smiley Books; Hay House Books; USA
  • SECOND PLACE Simple Dreams: A Musical Memoir, Linda Ronstadt; Simon & Schuster; Ancestors from México
  • HONORABLE MENTION My Mother’s Funeral, A Memoir, Adriana Páramo; CavanKerry Press; Colombia
  • HONORABLE MENTION Red-Inked Retablos, Rigoberto González; University of Arizona Press;

Best Biography – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE For All of Us, One Today, Richard Blanco; Beacon Press; Cuba
  • SECOND PLACE Príncipe de Chía: Enfrentamiento de Dos Mundos, Omar Adolfo Arango; Villegas Editores; Colombia
  • HONORABLE MENTION Cuaderno de Chihuahua, Jeannette L. Clariond; Fondo de Cultura Económica; México/ Lebanes ancestry

Best History Book – English

  • FIRST PLACE Our Hispanic Roots: What History Failed to Tell Us. Second Edition, Carlos B. Vega, Ph.D.; Janaway Publishing Inc.; Spain
  • SECOND PLACE California’s Portuguese Politicians: A Century of Legislative Service, Alvin Ray Graves, Ph.D.; Portuguese Heritage Publications of California, Inc; USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION Insurgency: 1968 Aztec Walkout, Victor González; Angeleno Avenue Publishing; México

Best History Book – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE Dora Maar, Prisionera de la Mirada, Alicia Dujovne Ortiz; Vaso Roto Ediciones; Argentina
  • SECOND PLACE Decolando Contra El Viento: 100 Años de la Aviación en Colombia, Gustavo Arias De Greiff; Villegas Editores; Colombia / USA

Best Political/Current Affairs Book

  • FIRST PLACE The ABCs and Ñ of America’s Cultural Evolution, Jim Estrada; Tate Publishing; USA
  • SECOND PLACE Hunting Season, Mirta Ojito; Beacon Press; Cuba
  • SECOND PLACE Midnight in México, Alfredo Corchado; Penguin Group; México
  • HONORABLE MENTION U.S. Immigration Reform and Its Global Impact, Erik Camayd-Freixas; Palgrave Macmillan; Born in Cuba /Grew Up in Puerto Rico

Best Business Book

  • FIRST PLACE The Power of Latino Leadership, Juana Bordas; Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.; Nicaragua
  • SECOND PLACE Palma de Aceite en Colombia, Martha Luz Ospina Bozzi; Villegas Editores; Colombia

Best Arts Book

  • FIRST PLACE Santiago Páramo y La Capilla de San José, Gabriel Izquierdo, S. J. & Juan David Giraldo; Photographer: Andrés Mauricio López; Villegas Editores; Colombia / USA
  • SECOND PLACE Pepón Osorio, Jennifer A. González; UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center; USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION Ricardo Valverde, Ramón García; UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center; USA

Best Gift Book

  • FIRST PLACE Gringosincrasias: Cómo Sobrevivir En Estados Unidos y Entender Su Idiosincrasia, Emma Sepúlveda Pulvirenti; Catalonia; Chile

Best Cookbook

  • FIRST PLACE Amalia’s Guatemalan Kitchen, Amalia Moreno-Damgaard; Beaver’s Pond Press; Guatemala
  • SECOND PLACE Pati’s Mexican Table, Pati Jinich; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; México
  • HONORABLE MENTION De La Tierra Con Sabor, Erisbelia Garriga; Regent Publishing Services; Puerto Rico
  • HONORABLE MENTION Austin Breakfast Tacos: The Story of the Most Important Taco of the Day, Mando Rayo & Jarod Neece; The History Press; USA/ Mexican-American

Best Reference Book – English

  • FIRST PLACE The National Latino & American Indian Scholarship Directory, Edward James Olmos, Andres Tobar; WPR Books; USA

Best Reference Book – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE Desarrollo del Español para Maestros en Programas de Educación Bilingüe, Lidia E. Morris & Luis A. Rosado; LM Educational Consultant; Dominican Republic(Lidia) & Puerto Rico(Luis)
  • SECOND PLACE Bogotá 1913-2013: Formas de Hacer Ciudad, Alberto Saldarriaga Roa; Villegas Editores; Colombia

Best Self-help Book – English

  • FIRST PLACE The Cheap Chica’s Guide to Style: Secrets to Shopping Cheap and Looking Chic, Lilliana Vasquez; Gotham Books; México
  • SECOND PLACE Spirited Leadership: 52 Ways To Build Trust, Ellen Castro; Langdon Street Press; USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION How to Achieve the American Dream Without Losing Your Latin Soul, Don Daniel Ortiz; Author House; USA/ Spanish

Best Self-help Book – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE Tu Guía Interior: El Camino Más Rápido Para Volver A Casa, Diana Jaramillo; Ediciones Oblicuas, Inc.; Colombia
  • SECOND PLACE The Collective Works of Jaime Alvarez: Featuring “Sayings of My Mother”, Jaime Alvarez; Author House; Mexico
  • HONORABLE MENTION El Poder de Escuchar: La Guía Esencial en Tu Camino al Éxito, Ismael Cala; Penguin Group; Cuba

Best Health Book

  • FIRST PLACE La Dieta FastDiet, Dr. Michael Mosley & Mimi Spencer; Atria Books; México

Best Parenting/Family Book

  • FIRST PLACE Life Has Values, Juan Villegas; Villegas Publishing; USA
  • SECOND PLACE The Collective Works of Jaime Alvarez: Featuring “Sayings of My Mother”, Jaime Alvarez; Author House; Mexico

Best Women’s Issues Book

  • FIRST PLACE The Book of Latina Women: 150 Vidas of Passion, Strength, and Success, Sylvia Mendoza; Sylvia Mendoza; USA
  • SECOND PLACE Mujer Actual, Mujer de Valor, Becky Krinsky; Becky Krinsky; Mexico

Best Religious Book

  • FIRST PLACE Mi Primera Comunión, María Villegas & Jennie Kent; Illustrator: Caterina Arango; Villegas Editores; Colombia / USA
  • SECOND PLACE Tradiciones of Our Faith, Gilberto Cavazos-González, OFM; World Library Publications; México / USA

Best Spiritual/New Age Book

  • FIRST PLACE La Segunda Venida De Cristo Vol. III, Paramahansa Yogananda; Self-Realization Fellowship; India
  • SECOND PLACE Tu Guía Interior: El Camino Más Rápido Para Volver A Casa, Diana Jaramillo; Ediciones Oblicuas, Inc.; Colombia
  • HONORABLE MENTION Recetas Para Sanar tu Corazón: Principios Simples Para Vivir La Vida, Héctor Williams Zorrilla; Living Mission Ministries, Inc; Dominican Republic
  • HONORABLE MENTION Mañana Starts Today: Affirmations to Jumpstart Your Heart, Mind and Soul, Sandra Elaine Scott; Vision Your Dreams; USA / Panama-Jamaica

Best Travel Book

  • FIRST PLACE Colombia en Le Tour du Monde, Pablo Navas; Villegas Editores; Colombia
  • SECOND PLACE Serendipity, Gustavo Arango; El Pozo; Colombia

Best Nonfiction – Multi-Author

  • FIRST PLACE Rebozos de Palabras, Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs; University of Arizona Press;
  • SECOND PLACE Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia, Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs, Yolanda Flores Niemann, Carmen G. González, & Angela P. Harris; Utah State University Press; México & Cuba(co-editors)


Best Latino Focused Fiction Book – English

  • FIRST PLACE Maya’s Notebook, Isabel Allende; HarperCollins Publishers; Chile
  • SECOND PLACE Lotería, A Novel, Mario Alberto Zambrano; HarperCollins Publishers; USA / Mexican American
  • SECOND PLACE The Yearning Feed, Manuel Paul López; University of Notre Dame Press; USA / Latin America

Best Latino Focused Fiction Book – Spanish or Bilingual

  • SECOND PLACE Crisis, Jorge Majfud; Baile Del Sol Ediciones; Uruguay

Most Inspirational Fiction Book

  • FIRST PLACE It’s Not Love, It’s Just Paris, Patricia Engel; Grove/Atlantic, Inc.; USA / Colombia
  • SECOND PLACE Seven for the Revolution, Rudy Ruiz; Milagros Press; USA

Best Popular Fiction – English

  • FIRST PLACE Seven for the Revolution, Rudy Ruiz; Milagros Press; USA

Best Popular Fiction – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE Del Otro Lado de las Costas, Pedro Pablo Pérez Santiesteban; Editorial Voces De Hoy; Cuba
  • SECOND PLACE Raíces Latinas, Narradores y Poetas Inmigrantes, Hemil García Linares; Vagon Azul Editores; Perú
  • HONORABLE MENTION What the Tide Brings, Xánath Caraza; Mouthfeel Press; México/African

Best Novel – Adventure or Drama – English

  • FIRST PLACE Good Money Gone, Richard Kilborn & Mario Acevedo; Tattered Cover Press; Mexico(Mario) & Puerto Rico(Richard)
  • SECOND PLACE In the Talons of the Condor, Gustavo Florentin; Amazon; Paraguay

Best Novel – Adventure or Drama – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE Aquella Manía de Quererse en Silencio, Miriam Montes Mock; Divinas Letras; Puerto Rico
  • SECOND PLACE 99 Amaneceres, Ani Palacios Mc Bride; Pukiyari Editores; Perú

Best Novel – Historical Fiction

  • FIRST PLACE Mañana Means Heaven, Tim Z. Hernandez; University of Arizona Press;
  • SECOND PLACE Midnight Rumba, Eduardo Santiago; Cuban Heel Press; Cuba
  • HONORABLE MENTION Return of the Bones, Belinda Vasquez Garcia; Magic Prose; USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION Luque 687: Visitas al Ayer, Carmela Escobar; Libros en Red; Perú (Chinese/Peruvian)
  • HONORABLE MENTION Souvenirs of the Revolution, A. M. Montes de Oca; The Reworkd Press; México

Best Novel – Mystery

  • FIRST PLACE Te Espero en el Cielo, Blanca Irene Arbeláez; Book Press NY; Colombia
  • SECOND PLACE Every Broken Trust, Linda Rodriguez; Minotaur Books; St. Martin’s Press;
  • HONORABLE MENTION Desperado: A Mile High Noir, Manuel Ramos; Arte Publico Press; USA & México

Best Novel – Fantasy/Sci-Fi

  • FIRST PLACE Los Traductores del Viento, Marta López Luaces; Vaso Roto Ediciones; Spain
  • SECOND PLACE Ghosts of the Black Rose, Land of Enchantment 2, Belinda Vasquez Garcia; Magic Prose; USA

Best Novel – Romance

  • FIRST PLACE The Old Man’s Love Story, Rudolfo Anaya; University of Oklahoma Press; México
  • SECOND PLACE Just A Kiss, Bonnie S. Mata; Bonnie S. Mata; USA

Best Poetry Book – One Author – English

  • FIRST PLACE A Tongue in the Mouth of the Dying, Laurie Ann Guerrero; University of Notre Dame Press; USA / Latin America
  • FIRST PLACE Chopper! Chopper!, Verónica Reyes; Red Hen Press; L.A., USA / Mexican Ancestry
  • SECOND PLACE Sueño, Lorna Dee Cervantes; Wings Press; USA / México
  • HONORABLE MENTION Letters to My Daughter, Nancy Arroyo Ruffin; Creative Ink Publishing, Inc.; USA / Ancestry: Puerto Rico
  • HONORABLE MENTION A Mirror In My Own Backstage, José Angel Figueroa; Red Sugarcane Press; Puerto Rico
  • HONORABLE MENTION So Spoke Penelope, Tino Villanueva; Grolier Poetry Press; USA

Best Poetry Book – One Author – Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE Flame in the Air, Bilingual Poetry Edition, Vidaluz Meneses; Translator: María Roof; Casasola Editores; Nicaragua
  • SECOND PLACE Nefarious, Emanuel Xavier; Rebel Satori Press; USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION Reyes Cárdenas Chicano Poet 1970-2010, Reyes Cárdenas; Aztlan Libre Press; USA

Best Poetry Book – One Author – Spanish

  • FIRST PLACE Insumisión, Eduardo Moga; Vaso Roto Ediciones; Spain
  • HONORABLE MENTION Ecos de Barro, Rossy Evelin Lima; Otras Voces Publishing; México

Best Poetry Book – Multi-Author

  • FIRST PLACE Daddy, My Favorite Guy, Icy Smith & Crystal Smith; East West Discovery Press;
  • FIRST PLACE Pas de Deux: Relatos y Poemas en Escena, Lizette Espinosa, Pilar Vélez, Shely Llanes Bresó, & Yiya Ortuño; Snow Fountain Press; Cuba(Lizette & Shely), Colombia(Pilar), & Costa Rica(Yiya)

Best Fiction – Multi-Author

  • FIRST PLACE Delta de las Arenas: Cuentos Árabes, Cuentos Judíos, Rose Mary Salum; Literal Publishing; México


Best Children’s Picture eBook

  • FIRST PLACE Remembering a Beautiful Angel, Mary J. Andrade; La Oferta Publishing Co.; Ecuador
  • SECOND PLACE Los Muertos Andan en Bici, Christel Guczka; Ediciones El Naranjo; México

Best Young Adult eBook

  • FIRST PLACE Day of the Dead in México: Through the Eyes of the Soul, Mary J. Andrade; La Oferta Publishing Co.; Ecuador

Best eBook – Nonfiction

  • FIRST PLACE Shattered Paradise: Memoirs of A Nicaraguan War Child, Ileana Araguti; New Trends Press; Nicaragua
  • SECOND PLACE Day of the Dead: A Passion for Life, Mary J. Andrade; La Oferta Publishing Co.; Ecuador
  • HONORABLE MENTION Día de los Muertos: Pasión por la Vida, Mary J. Andrade; La Oferta Publishing Co.; Ecuador

Best eBook – Fiction – English

  • FIRST PLACE Return of the Bones, Belinda Vasquez Garcia; Magic Prose; USA

Best eBook – Fiction – Spanish or Bilingual

  • SECOND PLACE Las Arterias de Don Fernando, Gloria Macher; Carpe Diem Editora; Perú

Best Fiction Audio Book

  • FIRST PLACE Return of the Bones, Belinda Vasquez Garcia; Magic Prose; USA


Best Book – Nonfiction in Portuguese

  • FIRST PLACE Indo Com o Fluxo, Elena Stowell; Boutique of Quality Books Publishing Company ; USA
  • SECOND PLACE O Romance com Deus, Paramahansa Yogananda; Self-Realization Fellowship; India
  • HONORABLE MENTION Para Ser Vitorioso na Vida, Paramahansa Yogananda; Self-Realization Fellowship; India


Best Latino Focused Book Design

  • FIRST PLACE Shattered Paradise: Memoirs of A Nicaraguan War Child, Ileana Araguti; Designer: Joseph Gutiz; New Trends Press; Nicaragua

Best Cover Design

  • FIRST PLACE Retratos de Sociedad, Mauricio Vélez; Villegas Editores; Colombia / USA
  • SECOND PLACE Chopper! Chopper!, Verónica Reyes; Designer: Jose Ramirez; Red Hen Press; L.A., USA / Mexican Ancestry
  • HONORABLE MENTION Seven for the Revolution, Rudy Ruiz; Designer: Heather Ruiz; Milagros Press; USA

Best Cover Illustration

  • FIRST PLACE El Reino Aviar Cuentos Emplumados: Dos Chiflidos Chiflados, Karen Chacek; Illustrator: Emilio Hernández; TechStudios, LLC; México
  • SECOND PLACE El Reino Aviar Cuentos Emplumados: Cielo Pelícano, Karen Chacek; Illustrator: Emilio Hernández; TechStudios, LLC; México
  • SECOND PLACE El Reino Aviar Cuentos Emplumados: De tal Pluma tal Ave, Karen Chacek; Illustrator: Emilio Hernández; TechStudios, LLC; México

Best Cover Photo

  • SECOND PLACE More Simple Poems, Carlos F. Tarrac; Unique Artistic Creations Showcase; México

Best Interior Design

  • FIRST PLACE Santiago Páramo y La Capilla de San José, Andrés Mauricio López; Villegas Editores; Colombia
  • SECOND PLACE El Reino Aviar Cuentos Emplumados: Dos Chiflidos Chiflados, Karen Chacek; Illustrator: Emilio Hernández; TechStudios, LLC; México

Best Use of Photos Inside the Book

  • FIRST PLACE Colombia de Reojo, Santiago Harker; Villegas Editores; Colombia
  • SECOND PLACE I,Legal in the U.S.A., Alejandra Campos; Skye’s The Limit Publishing & Public Relations; El Salvador
  • SECOND PLACE The Magic of México, Robert A. Chávez Jr.; Fuerza XXI Muzic Publication; USA

Best Use of Illustrations Inside the Book

  • FIRST PLACE El Reino Aviar Cuentos Emplumados: Cielo Pelícano, Karen Chacek; Illustrator: Emilio Hernández; TechStudios, LLC; México
  • SECOND PLACE El Reino Aviar Cuentos Emplumados: Dos Chiflidos Chiflados, Karen Chacek; Illustrator: Emilio Hernández; TechStudios, LLC; México


Best Children’s Picture Book Translation – Spanish to English

  • FIRST PLACE Dorothy: A Different Kind of Friend, Roberto Aliaga; Illustrator: Mar Blanco; Cuento de Luz; Spain
  • SECOND PLACE Avian Kingdom Feathered Tales: Birds of a Feather, Karen Chacek; Translator: Sonia Verjovsky; Illustrator: Emilio Hernández; TechStudios, LLC; México
  • HONORABLE MENTION Avian Kingdom Feathered Tales: Pelican Sky, Karen Chacek; Translator: Sonia Verjovsky; TechStudios, LLC; México
  • HONORABLE MENTION Avian Kingdom Feathered Tales: Two Hoots and a Holler, Karen Chacek; Translator: Sonia Verjovsky; TechStudios, LLC; México

Best Children’s Picture Book Translation – English to Spanish

  • FIRST PLACE Presiona Aquí, Hervé Tullet; Translator: Peter L. Perez; Chronicle Books; France
  • SECOND PLACE El Día Maravilloso de Hacer Tamales que Tuvo Sofía, Albert Monreal Quihuis; Translator: Veronica Lamanes; Albert Monreal Quihuis; Arizona, USA & Latino

Best Chapter/Young Adult Book Translation – English to Spanish

  • FIRST PLACE El Gusano de Tequila, Viola Canales; KingCake Press; USA

Best Nonfiction Book Translation – English to Spanish

  • FIRST PLACE La Segunda Venida De Cristo Vol. III, Paramahansa Yogananda; Self-Realization Fellowship; India
  • FIRST PLACE Divinas Comedias, James Merrill, Translation by Vaso Roto Ediciones; Vaso Roto Ediciones; USA
  • SECOND PLACE Hero Street U.S.A., Marc Wilson; Translator: Moira Bailey; University of Oklahoma Press; USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION El Lenguaje de la Música, Al Descubierto, Barry Araújo Kolman; Translator; María Eugenia Melerio; Editorial Seleer; USA

Best Fiction Book Translation – Spanish to English

  • FIRST PLACE Maya’s Notebook, Isabel Allende; Translator: Anne McLean; HarperCollins Publishers; Chile
  • SECOND PLACE What the Tide Brings, Xánath Caraza; Translators: Sandra Kingery, Stephen Holland-Wempe, & Xánath Caraza; Mouthfeel Press; México/African

Best Fiction Book Translation – English to Spanish

  • FIRST PLACE Joyas de la Revolución, A. M. Montes de Oca; Translator: Maria de los Angeles Moody; The Reworkd Press; México


Best First Book – Children & Youth

  • FIRST PLACE The Audacious Little Princesses, Janet Breceda Wright, A. E. Wright, & Nataly Wright; Angeleno Avenue Publishing; México
  • SECOND PLACE An Honest Boy, Magdalena Zenaida; Laredo Publishing Company; USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION Stars of the Savanna, Melanie R. Martel; WPR Books; Mexican-American

Best First Book – Nonfiction

  • FIRST PLACE Unbreakable, Jenni Rivera; Atria Books; México
  • SECOND PLACE Ricardo Valverde, Ramón García; UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center; USA
  • SECOND PLACE Insurgency: 1968 Aztec Walkout, Victor González; Angeleno Avenue Publishing; México
  • SECOND PLACE Shattered Paradise: Memoirs of A Nicaraguan War Child, Ileana Araguti; New Trends Press; Nicaragua
  • HONORABLE MENTION Amalia’s Guatemalan Kitchen, Amalia Moreno-Damgaard; Beaver’s Pond Press; Guatemala
  • HONORABLE MENTION The ABCs and Ñ of America’s Cultural Evolution, Jim Estrada; Tate Publishing; USA

Best First Book – Fiction – English

  • FIRST PLACE Pig Behind The Bear, Maria Nieto; Floricanto Press; US/ Mexican Ancestry
  • FIRST PLACE Seven for the Revolution, Rudy Ruiz; Milagros Press; USA
  • HONORABLE MENTION Going Down, Chris Campanioni; Aignos Publishing, Inc.; USA & Cuba

Best First Book – Fiction – Spanish or Bilingual

  • FIRST PLACE Aquella Manía de Quererse en Silencio, Miriam Montes Mock; Divinas Letras; Puerto Rico
  • SECOND PLACE Sentimientos: Un Libro de Poemas, Cinthia M. Kettering; Trafford Publishing; Ecuador
  • HONORABLE MENTION Hombre Cero, Julio César Pérez Méndez; La Pereza Ediciones; Colombia