Book Club History

Our first book club gathering was in July 2004 in New York in Comadre Maria Ferrer’s apartment.  After a hiatus, Nora Comstock re-envisioned and re-launched the book club nationwide to promote the work of Latino authors to every book lover, to bring our community to bookstores, and to support our writers.

We started these teleconferences in October of 2006.  We are in our 14th year of sharing works by Latino authors with all of you!  We created the teleconferences and book club to entice everyone to read more Latino authors, to learn about Latino roots, and different perspectives on Latino culture and heritage. Our book club and teleconferences are open to all, not just Latinos. We are creating a space for everyone to explore the Latino writer’s mind and soul as portrayed through the written word.

We encourage you to join our local book club in your city or time zone.  We have clubs in 12 cities that are meeting virtually.  There is sure to be one that can fit your schedule.  If your city doesn’t have one, why not help us start one?  For more information about our book club, visit our website at LATINOLIT.COM

So please invite others to join us!    


Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you.
Carlos Ruiz Zafón