A Dream Come True: Comadres Stories of Fierce Friendships Come to Life

A Dream Come True: Comadres Stories of Fierce Friendships Come to Life

By Dr. Nora Comstock

Comadres, you inspired the journey to publication of our first book! Your stories of how you have met wonderful mujeres through Las Comadres who have become your best friend, someone you can count on, inspired the stories and the title of the book.

This anthology was a dream comadre Esmeralda Santiago and I talked about several years ago. We kept revisiting the idea periodically and through the persistent and loving guidance of comadre Adriana Dominguez, Las Comadres’ literary agent, the anthology has become a reality. On September 4, 2012, COUNT ON ME: Tales of Sisterhood and Fierce Friendships will be released!

Selecting the authors was not an easy process. I wanted to invite ALL my Latina author friends to write a story for the book and we wanted to include at least one compadre, but of course, there were many on the list. We decided on twelve writers for this first effort, after pulling nearly all my hair out.

From the beginning I knew this book would be a work penned from love, both for me and for each author, as they selected the comadre they would portray through their beautiful words. And I was totally awed when I read the works the first time, and the second, and the third. I cry and laugh and even write in a notebook the special phrases that capture my heart from each of the tales so thoughtfully put together. I get emotional every time I read them. I can see each of us in our rocking chairs holding THE book to our breast, tears streaming down our cheeks as we mediate on the meaning and experience of being a comadre. I hope you will feel the same.

Con cariño,